Program Offerings

Curricular Offerings by Campus
Main Campus
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Political Science
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Midwifery
- Bachelor of in Science Business Administration
- Bachelor of Science in Office Administration
- Bachelor of Secondary Education
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Culture and Arts Education
- Bachelor of Physical Education
- Bachelor of Science in Criminology
Santa Maria Campus
- Doctor of Education in Educational Management
- Doctor of Philosophy in English Language Education
- Doctor of Philosophy in Agronomy
- Doctor of Philosophy in Technology Education Management
- Master of Science in Education
Major: - General Education
- General Science
- English
- Mathematics
- Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE)
- Master of Arts in Education
Major: - Educational Management
- Master of Science in Agriculture
Major: - Agronomy
- Extension Education
- Animal Science
- Horticulture
- Rural Development
- Bachelor of Science in Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major: - Science
- English
- Mathematics
- Filipino
- Social Studies
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
Major: - Agronomy
- Animal Husbandry
- Horticulture
- Post Harvest Technology
- Agribusiness Management & Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Science in Forestry
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Major: - Web Development and Mobile Track
- Networking and Cybersecurity Track
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Science in Information Systems
- Business and Data Analytis
- Service Management
- Bachelor of Science in Development Communication
- Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Major: - Home Economics
- Agri-Fishery Arts
Santiago Campus
- Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology
Major: - Bachelor in Technical-Vocation Teacher Education
Major: - Automotive Technology
- Electrical Technology
- Electronics Technology
- Food and Service Management
- Garments, Fashion and Design
- Bachelor in Science in Mechatronics Technology
Tagudin Campus
- Master of Science in Education
Major: - General Education
- General Science
- English
- Mathematics
- Master of Arts in Education
Major: - Educational Management
- Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major: - Science
- English
- Mathematics
- Filipino
- Social Studies
- Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Physical Education
- Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
Major: - Bachelor of Science in Mathematics
- Bachelor of Arts in English Language
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in Social Science
- Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Public Administration
Candon City Campus
- Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management
- Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education
Major: - Filipino
Narvacan Campus
- Bachelor of Science in Fisheries
Major: - Aquaculture
- Capture fisheries
- Post Harvest
- General Fisheries
- Bachelor of Technology & Livelihood Education
Major: - Home Economics
- Agri-Fishery Arts
- Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
Major: - Fish Processing
- Aquaculture
- Bachelor of Physical Education
Cervantes Campus
- Bachelor of Secondary Education
Major: - Bachelor of Elementary Education
- Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education
Major: - Home Economics
- Agri-Fishery Arts
- Bachelor of Technical-Vocational Teacher Education
Major: - Food and Service Management
- Agricultural Crops Production
- Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Criminology