Enabling College-Life Survival Skills among Senior High School Students in the New Normal

Enabling College-Life Survival Skills among Senior High School Students in the New Normal

Emed F. Manzano
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Narvacan, Ilocos Sur, Philippines 
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 2 I Issue 1 I October 2022


Lifelong learning skills and practices were noted as armours for learners in surviving unexpected circumstances in life specifically in pursuing studies. This mixed method research conducted a need assessment and focus group discussion to the senior high school students inIlocos Sur to identify number of students that need assistance in enabling thierlifelong learning practices to survive college-life. A survey questionnaire was used to assess if the implemented intervention was helpful for the students.It was found out that there are 720 senior high school students that need assitance in improvinglifelong learning practices along boosting cognitive and behavioral engagement, self regulation, setting mindsets and motivations. A series of seminar in improving these areas were implemented as intervention activities. This endeavour was perceived by the senior high school students as very much helpful towards accomplishing tertiary education. It is recommended to explore on the long-term impact of the intervention conducted that may include academic performance and mental health of the students.

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DOI: https://ispsc.edu.ph/e-dawa-ehbb6093


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