21st Century Loom Weaving in Ilocos Sur: A Cultural Heritage

21st Century Loom Weaving in Ilocos Sur: A Cultural Heritage 

Corazon Q. Quitevis and Adela Estrañero
Ilocos Sur Polyetchnic State College, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur, Philippines and Ilocos Sur Polyetchnic State College, Santiago, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 2 I Issue 1 I October 2022


This study determined the socio-demographic profile of loom weavers, the equipment, tools materials, processes, patterns, designs, and terms in loom weaving. It also analyzed the chain of supply and the effect of loom weaving to tourism and socio-economic status of the community. It was conducted using the quantitative and qualitative descriptive research design. A self-structured questionnaire and ethnographic processes was utilized to obtain relative data.Majority of the loom weavers are: females, senior citizens, elementary graduates, purely weavers as to their field role, with experience of 26 years and above, having estimated monthly income of 5,000, who organized themselves into associations and most of their products are marketed to customers through the micro entrepreneur-weavers. They utilize almost the same type of loom, loom accessories, tools, materials and processes. The weaving patterns they are producing are: Plain, Twill, and Overshot. Out of these patterns, varieties of designs are created. The loom weaving supply chain reflects the interconnections and movement   of raw materials into finished products up to its market outlets. The effect of loom weaving to tourism and socio-economic status is described as Much Beneficial and Moderately Beneficial respectively. A collaborative intervention program is recommended to be initiated by concerned agencies to control the occurrence of dearth of loom weavers in the future, to improve marketing system, and to level up the benefit of loom weaving to tourism and socio-economic status of the people.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.56901/MVFH7444


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