Strategies in Teaching 21st Century Literature: Results from a Systematic Review of Literature
Strategies in Teaching 21st Century Literature: Results from a Systematic Review of Literature
Ariston A. Lorenzo
Mariano Marcos State University, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 2 I Issue 1 I October 2022
The concept strategy has been relevant in literature. Teachers use instructional strategies to motivate students to focus their attention, organize material for understanding and memorizing, monitor and analyze progress. Furthermore, instructional strategies provide a path to learning success. With several researches on the field of education, this systematic review analyzed thirty-nine (39) research articles to determine the fundamental strategies used by teachers in the teaching of literature. The review also determined the technological tools and revealed the gaps from the different research articles. Results showed that teachers use a variety of instructional strategies categorized as direct, indirect, interactive, independent, and experiential. Likewise, teachers around the world used technological tools in the teaching of literature such as multimedia and web tools, flipped classroom, and more. As revealed, the strategies and technological tools yielded a positive impact on student learning. It demonstrated significant advantages especially on the enhancement of students’ learning of 21st century literature. Challenges of implementing the technological tools were likewise identified and presented several implications.
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