REAL: The Psycholinguistic Functions of Hedging
REAL: The Psycholinguistic Functions of Hedging
Jan Rich A. Guira and Ryan Roi B.Domingo
Mariano Marcos State University, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte and Skyline College, California, USA
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 2 I Issue 1 I October 2022
This descriptive-qualitative study premeditated functions of hedges in a psycholinguistic perspective in presentations of non-native English speakers enrolled at Benguet State University, Philippines.It employed two-way analysis of the hedges used by the different presenters by analyzing first the hedgesthen an interview on the reasons why they have used the hedges in their presentations. Results of the study revealed that there are different hedges used by the presenters. As to the psycholinguistic functions of hedging, four major themes emerged which was collectively referred to as REAL: a) Referencing; b) Emotional and Organizational Construct; c) Agreed Knowledge; and d) Linguistic Access. It was also found that first language has an impact on their use of hedges. Thus, it was concluded thatnon-native speakers of English in graduate studies use hedges in their presentations for various purposes to clearly and effectively express meanings and messages in the academic context. Furthermore, with REAL as a psycholinguistic model or framework, it was highly recommended that other domains of adult speech be explored to expand the understanding of hedging in communication.
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