Exploring the ICT Competence of Cervantes District Teachers: Springboard for Extension Program
Exploring the ICT Competence of Cervantes District Teachers: Springboard for Extension Program
Geremy G. Sanchez, Heidi Joy P. Bautista, and Jenny Lyne S. Lisayen
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Cervantes Campus, Cervantes, Ilocos Sur, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 2 I Issue 1 I October 2022
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is of great significance in Education. This descriptive-correlational study was conducted to determine the profile of the respondents in terms of age, educational attainment and plantilla position; the level of ICT competence level of teachers along technology operations and concepts, social and ethical, pedagogical, and professional competencies; the significant relationship between their profiles and ICT competence level; and the training design that can be developed based on the results. This involved 120 teachers in Cervantes District, Cervantes, Ilocos Sur. Results showed that teachers’ ICT competence in general is at competent level.Age, educational attainment and plantilla position have significant impact on the ICT skills of the teachers. Thus, the mentioned profiles are strong predictors of the ICT competence of teachers.The paper forwards the necessity to develop a training design that could enhance the competence level of teachers especially in the professional domain. Profiles should be considered in conducting capability buildings to warrant more successful results. Future studies may be conducted to look closely into the significant differences of the level of ICT competence of the teachers in the district to determine groups who are really in need of the capability building to extend.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56901/UEQS8723
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