Emerging English Language Slang on the Internet
Emerging English Language Slang on the Internet
Aurora Renee M. Garvida and Mark Lawrence A. Fernandez
Mariano Marcos State University, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 2 I Issue 1 I October 2022
With the advent of the internet, slang also emerged which has enabled people to communicate easily and informally and to exchange ideas and thoughts faster. Such perspective prompted the study to examine the use of English slangby Ilokano netizens in three most popular social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter). Using qualitative research design, the study examined the emerging slang used by Ilokano netizens from their social media posts and categorized them using Allan and Burridge’s (2006) theory on the types of slang. The study also tried to establish the social functions reflected in the use of slang following Yanchun and Yanhong’s (2013) theory on the purposes of slang words. The findings showed that the emerging types of slang used by Ilokano netizens are imitative, acronym, clipping, and fresh and creative. The findings further revealed that Ilokano netizens use slangs to identify oneself, to reveal emotions and attitudes, and to show politeness. Based on the results, slangs must be understood based on its users and the contexts in which they are used.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56901/WJJN3239
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