Education Students’ Experience of Authentic Learning: A Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Study

Education Students’ Experience of Authentic Learning: A Hermeneutic-Phenomenological Study

Tanya Sue D. Barayuga
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Poblacion Norte, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 2 I Issue 1 I October 2022


This study explored how authentic learning be practiced among Education students of ISPSC Santa Maria Campus in post-pandemic era. This has been taken as the main objective of the study for the challenging posture of modules and limited face-to-face modalities that limits the free-flowing exchange of ideas between the teacher and students. To fully constitute this point, the researcher utilized qualitative hermeneutic-phenomenology with the aid as well of semi-structured interview to see the thoughts, feelings, and overall experience of the Education students of authentic learning. It was found out that authentic learning transpires when there is a joint effort between the teacher and students that requires positive foremeanings of the student’s experience. Also, a space for restructured understanding that places one’s shoe to the experiences of the students when it comes to their submission of requirements. Lastly, a meaningful application that explores into the simultaneity of reason and experience to fully understand the predicaments of students in achieving authentic learning. Although these themes transpire in the study, the researcher suggests a duplication of the study to investigate other themesas well as the expansion of the study’s locale that are necessary to encapsulate the meaning and nature of authentic learning.

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