Kannawidan ti Panagtalon: The Case of Ilokano Corn and Tobacco Farmers
Kannawidan ti Panagtalon: The Case of Ilokano Corn and Tobacco Farmers
Janelyne P. Guzman, Ranec A. Azarias, Maui Chanelle M. Pasion, Danara Chloe C. Nastor, and Leslie Yvonne B. Gadiano
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College, Santiago Ilocos Sur, Philippines
ISSN: 2961-3035 I Volume 2 I Issue 1 I October 2022
Farmers cultivate lands, and they supply people’s needs particularly the food they eat. Before the emergence of modern technology, farmers relied on indigenous knowledge that was translated into their farming practices. Also, reviewed literature revealed a dearth of studies on the beliefs, practices, and rituals of tobacco and corn farmers. In such context, this study aimed to explore such indigenous knowledge in tobacco and corn farming among farmers in Santiago, Ilocos Sur. In this study, the researchers used ethnomethodology, and interviewed 14 farmers. The cool and warm analyses of the interview transcripts identified the kannawidantipanagatalon which is translated as heritage of farming. This Ilokano phrase is used to describe the beliefs, practices, and rituals that were handed down to corn and tobacco farmers from their forefathers. Pammatitikabos (belief in full moon) and pammatitilinned (belief in new moon) are their identified beliefs; panagusarti sabot (using coconut shell) as dipper, panagusarti (use of) dingwen (animal), arado (using plow) and palpal (a farming equipment that is being used to break large soil particles), ken (and) panagusarti kayo ngaasad (using dibbler) are their farming practices. In addition, panag-atang (offering foods to drive away bad spirits with a prayer) is their identified farming ritual. Clearly, tobacco and corn farming are still guided by their beliefs, practices, and rituals that they find useful in making a profitable farming activity. As such, the identified indigenous knowledge remains intact despite the advent of modern farming.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.56901/ZPWO7100
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