
  • BIGAS (Bio-Intensive Gardening and its Agricultural Sustainability) Project launched

    BIGAS (Bio-Intensive Gardening and its Agricultural Sustainability) Project launched and spearheaded by the Federated Supreme Student Council (FSSC) in coordination and partnership with the Department of Agriculture-Region 1, Local Government Unit of Santa Maria, JCI Candon Golden Leaf and SDSN Youth Philippines last January 1, 2020 at Barangay Penned and Barangay Babalasioan, Santa Maria, Ilocos Sur. More than 300 beneficiaries of these two barangays were benefited and received the different fruit-bearing seedlings and vegetable seeds as one of the program component of the BIGAS project. Another component of the project are producing of organic fertilizer and vermicomposting, capability building through trainings and seminars, establishment of nursery and seed bank, and producing native chicken, goat and pig in their backyard. There were also tree planting activities near the river of Barangay Penned and Pinsal Falls at Brgy. Babalasioan. Hon. Wilfredo Salvador Jr, FSSC President and Mr. Richard Dela Cruz, FSSC Adviser, led the BIGAS Project.