
  • Online Registration is on-going

    For incoming freshmen, transferees and old students (classified as regular), you can visit and accomplish the online registration form at

    Irregular and transferee students (with admission issues) are required to have an in-person or face-to-face enrolment. But please observe the health protocols issued by authorities. Students whose age 20 and below are not encouraged to come but you can send your parents or guardian for your registration.

    Failure to have the online registration due to poor internet connectivity, in-person registration is the next option but please come on your scheduled dates to avoid too much crowd and to practice physical and social distancing.

    Remote enrolment scheme will also be done. The college will coordinate to the identified LGUs for the distribution and retrieval of enrolment forms and documents (schedules and venues will be announced)

    Reminder: Please keep the original copy/ies of the uploaded enrolment credentials and do not forget to submit or send to the Registrar's office during the scheduled dates or modes. By Joemar Joaquin Cabradilla