Acceptability of Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) Fruit Flour in Baking Cookies and Cupcakes
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023
Page 95-113
ISSN: 1665-8391
Acceptability of Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) Fruit Flour in Baking Cookies and Cupcakes
Marie Ann Apostol Tumalip
Department of Education – Division of Abra
Abstract: This research determined the acceptability in terms of appearance, aroma, texture and flavor of canistel (Pouteria campechiana) fruit flour in different proportions in baking cookies and cupcakes. Four treatments were used in this study – three of them utilized canistel fruit flour at various proportions and one treatment was used as the control group which utilized all-purpose flour. The experimental method of research was utilized in this study. Data gathered were analyzed using Mean, Two-way Analysis of Variance and Tukey Kramer Multiple Comparison Test. The microbial analysis, proximate analysis and shelf life analysis were conducted in a laboratory. Respondents of this study were two (2) bakery owners, five (5) TLE teachers from Abra State Institute of Sciences and Technology Main Camus, three (3) TLE teachers and thirty (30) students in commercial cooking of Cayapa National High School. The results of the study indicate that canistel cookies and cupcakes are healthy snacks and are safe for human consumption. 50% all-purpose flour incorporated with 50% ripe canistel flour appeared to be the most acceptable formulation for cookies; and 50% all-purpose flour incorporated with 50% unripe canistel flour for cupcake. It also revealed that there are no significant differences regarding the appearance of all the treatments. However, there are significant difference that existed in the level of acceptability of canistel fruit flour in baking cookies and cupcakes in terms of aroma, texture and taste. Canistel cookies and cupcakes are healthy snacks and are rich in various nutrients that it can be served to all ages. Cookies can be consumed within 21 days while cupcakes should be consumed within 3 days.
Received: Feb. 13, 2023 | Revised: Feb. 27, 2023 | Accepted: April 27, 2023 |
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