Composition Writing Competencies of Grade 12 Learners: Basis for Supplementary Learning Material


Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023
Page 43-62
ISSN: 1665-8391

Composition Writing Competencies of Grade 12 Learners: Basis for Supplementary Learning Material 

Gina N. Tabling and Gemma B. Somera
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

Abstract: This study looked into the composition writing competencies of thirty-five (35) Grade 12 learners of San Francisco National High School (SFNHS) for the academic year 2019-2020. Written outputs of the Grade 12 learners in their subjects Reading and Writing and Creative Writing were used to identify the composition writing errors of the respondents. An adopted questionnaire was used to gather the level of acceptability of the material.  Descriptive research design was utilized and frequency count, percentage and mean were used to treat the data. Results of the study showed that there are more female learners than male learners and most of the respondents are non-indigenous. Broadcast media is the most available form of media at home. The level of the composition writing competencies of the respondents is impressive. Errors in their composition writing were identified as well. To address the errors respondents made in their compositions, a Supplemental Learning Material was devised. The level of the acceptability of the Supplementary Learning Material in Composition Writing for Grade 12 Learners  is very highly acceptable. It is recommended that learners  should widen their knowledge on the different components of composition writing and error analysis should help teachers discover prevalent language errors. Guided remedial classes should incorporate the Supplemental Learning Materials in Composition Writing. Future researchers are encouraged to undertake the same study on other critical variables to build composition writing skills, and a three-year evaluation of the Supplemental Learning Material in Composition Writing is suggested.


Received: Jan. 31, 2023 Revised: Feb. 6, 2023 Accepted: April 27, 2023


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