I Am My Child’s English Language Teacher: Lived Experiences of Parents During the new Normal Education
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023
Page 80-94
ISSN: 1665-8391
I Am My Child’s English Language Teacher: Lived Experiences of Parents During the new Normal Education
Chato Bao-ilan Sumbad
Dinaratan National High School
Abstract: This study focused on describing the lived experiences of parents in teaching English language lessons and their view to the future of English language instruction. It also aimed to propose a training program to address the challenges faced by parents and to improve their teaching mechanisms. This qualitative study employed phenomenology as its design.Through thematic analysis the study revealed that parents considered being English language teacher of their children as challenging and fulfilling task. Likewise, it revealed that their teaching mechanisms include the use of translation method, online platforms, and rewards. Also, they viewed the future of English language instruction as directed towards hybrid education.Based on the findings of the study, it is concluded that teaching English language lessons to children during the new normal is challenging but fulfilling. Second, parents underscored the future of English language instruction as hybrid. Last, the proposed training program intends to address the challenges of parents and to improve their teaching mechanism to their children. Finally, the study recommends that teachers and parents’ partnership may be reinforced or invigorated through constant communication that allows the sharing of experiences and ways in teaching English lessons to learners. Parents are encouraged to invest in adaptive technologies that are vital in the education and training of their children. Future studies may also look into the implementation and effectiveness of the proposed training program. Last, teaching models that acknowledge the parents’ involvement in their children’s education may be developed from a grounded theory study.
Received: Feb. 7, 2023 | Revised: Feb. 15, 2023 | Accepted: April 27, 2023 |
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