Performance of Garlic Varieties at Different Planting Dates in Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur


Volume 1, Issue 1, 2023
Page 11-27
ISSN: 1665-8391

Performance of Garlic Varieties at Different Planting Dates in Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur

Peter Paul L. Lazo
Ilocos Sur Polytechnic State College

Abstract: The study determined the suitable garlic variety and planting date under Sta. Maria, Ilocos Sur condition. Specifically, it sought to: a) evaluate the growth and yield performance of garlic varieties as affected by dates of planting, b) determine and identify pest and disease incidence at different planting dates, c) correlate the effects of pests on the yield of garlic varieties, and d) correlation effects of climate and bulb weight of garlic varieties.It was laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design across planting time and replicated three times. The planting dates evaluated were October 29, November 29, and December 29; garlic varieties were Ilocos White, Mexican, and Tan Bolters.Results showed that garlic planted at different dates significantly differed in the agronomic and yield performance. Similarly, garlic varieties were significantly different regarding the number of leaves, stem diameter, bulb equatorial and polar diameter, and bulb weight, but not in height and laminar width. Furthermore, Mexican variety yields are higher when planted in October and Ilocos White in October and November. Purple blotch, tangle top, red mites, and thrips were the area's critical pests, and late planting had the highest infestation. Likewise, pests were negatively correlated and significantly affected the garlic bulb weight. Minimum and maximum temperature and relative humidity are negatively and very strongly correlated to the bulb of garlic.For higher bulb quality and yields, farmers could plant garlic as early as October 29 until November 29 using either Ilocos White and Mexican varieties.

Received: Jan. 25, 2023 Revised: Jan. 31, 2023 Accepted: April 27, 2023


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